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Happy Easter!  Hope everyone found a way to get out and enjoy Spring Break!  Tough time of year for me in that I have become quite accustomed to taking a couple weeks off after RRSP season and getting away somewhere hot with the family. Especially hard to take when Canada has had to go backwards in restrictions […]

April Update: Quality matters

April 5, 2021

Market Updates

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Happy March! Congratulations to us all as we’ve now just put the two most depressing months of the year behind us!  January is officially the worst, but February is at the top of my list for least favourite months.  Weather is terrible, the days are still short, and it tends to be my busiest time of the year […]

Worry, greed, FOMO cause us to react.

March 2, 2021

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Happy February!   Hope everyone is off to a great start in 2021.  Now almost fully adapted to living in a Covid era we seem to have made the big adjustments to lifestyle and are sort of in the fine-tuning stage of what works and what doesn’t in our new socially distanced but virtually connected world.  Trying to figure […]

Thoughts on GameStop Hype

February 1, 2021

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Hope you all had a great holiday season! 2020 was a hard year in a lot of ways but this is really the first Christmas break that I can remember that it felt peaceful. I am extremely blessed to have all my immediate family close by. So many advantages to having grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins all willing […]

Happy New Year!

January 10, 2021

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Happy December! The days may feel long – especially right now, but the years are short and just like that we are weeks away from bringing a close to what has been a very eventful year! Lots of things to talk about since last month’s update. Markets had a great November with positive vaccine news […]

Cautiously Optimistic

December 7, 2020

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Happy November! We continue to live in interesting times.  I am writing this right now with Christmas music going on in the background as my wife and kids are hauling out Christmas decorations already.  I normally fight hard for no Christmas trappings before December 1st, but when Bonnie Henry announced two weeks of increased social distancing rules […]

Christmas came early….because…covid

November 8, 2020

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Happy October, hope everyone has found their groove in the return to fall! I am actually finding this partially reopened economy/society harder to adjust to than when everything was fully closed.  We went from a family bubble of about 25 people or so, to well over a thousand very quickly.  My wife is a music […]

Thousand person bubble, bears & politics

October 6, 2020

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Hope everyone had a great long weekend!  With my kids all still in school of some sort and my wife a teacher, the Labour Day Weekend always officially denotes the end of summer for me and a significant swing in my work to play ratio as everyone in the family shifts back into full work or […]

Put your seatbelt on and stay the course!

September 8, 2020

Market Updates

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Hope everyone had a great long weekend! I’ve been up in the Okanagan for a few weeks with the family enjoying the lake life. Markets co-operating over this last month have given me an excuse to drop my commentary back down to monthly. It is all about the economics and has nothing to do with […]

Markets are forward looking

August 4, 2020

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Happy Father’s Day to all the dads!  Hope everyone had a great weekend. My wife and I just had our 25th wedding anniversary last week and this weekend our kids surprised us with a party. Kristy and I were wondering why my daughter was actually voluntarily cleaning our kitchen as friends picked us up to […]

Happy Father’s Day

June 22, 2020

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