It feels wrong to say “Happy March” right now with what’s going on in Ukraine. It’s a surreal feeling scrolling through social media in that I am getting heartbreaking pictures and stories of the war in Ukraine, mixed in with soccer highlights, funny animal posts, and ads for whiskey (I have an eclectic mix of […]
Happy February! Bit of a rough start to the year as January continues to build on its reputation of being the most depressing month of the year! Days are short, the weather is poor, and it is a hectic month for me as RRSP and tax time hit. Heavy family news and markets off to […]
Happy New Year! Happy New Year! I hope everyone managed to enjoy some rest and rejuvenation over the holidays! I was just reading that if you need a holiday to “recharge” from work, it is a sign of burnout, and you should consider a career change. It feels like the sort of stock new age […]
Happy December! I hope everyone enjoyed the first snowfall of the year! Something is refreshing about waking up for the first time and seeing everything blanketed in white. I find it emotionally soothing when all the dirt and clutter in our yard gets hidden under the snow. That feeling doesn’t last long, as it disappears […]
Happy November! I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and Halloween! I wrote in my last commentary how I was going to try and fight to keep some of that unstructured time that I found during the pandemic as things reopened. That is not going well for me so far! We had 11 soccer games […]
Happy September! Sadly, summer finished with a bit of a whimper for me. Smoke forced us out of Kelowna earlier than we had planned, and by mid-August, my work schedule was packed, and soccer was back in full swing. It’s lovely to see clients face to face again; nice to be back on the pitch coaching […]
Happy August! Halfway through summer, just like that! The older I become, the faster time gets, and I especially feel the accelerator pressed in the summer months. July was excellent for me. We got up to Kelowna for a couple of weeks with the whole family, then my wife and I went to Banff for a few days […]
Happy Summer! I am writing this from the slightly hazy view from my deck in Kelowna. I can barely make out the other side of Okanagan Lake through the smoke from all the forest fires that are burning through the Okanagan area. Not the best of omens for our holidays but even that is not […]
Happy June! Amazing how a little bit of good weather and some easing of COVID restrictions can positively change our mental outlook. Kristy is on countdown for how many school days are left, and it is looking like we will be able to get up to our summer place in Kelowna after all. I went from languishing […]
This video is provided for educational purposes only. It should not be considered personal investment advice or solicitation to buy or sell any securities. It may include information concerning financial markets as at particular point in time and is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made to compile it from reliable sources, however, […]
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